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how many corydoras in a 55 gallon

obviously 3 corydoras arent enough for a groupp, and I want them to group properly, how many … lol. Research the different types of corydoras species. Corydoras Catfish Appearance. The kit includes a tank, an EasyBalance Plus, TetraMin, AquaSafe, 6 inches FishNet, 200W heater, WPF 60 filter, Stickon Digital … 5. Other than that, I think you will be fine. Trying to finish up my stock list, also what would be a good number to buy and QT in a 10G at a time? Posted by 6 years ago. If your quarantine is only a ten gallon tank then I think you can buy and quarantine four or five of them at a time and when they are pronounced healthy, you can add them to the main display. The fish has a flat underside, short face, and a forked tail fin. Think they all are C.Aeneus (13 closely related species). I know most of you will challenge me on this but please don't comment if it won't be helpful! *Edit - some like the corydoras barbatus get pretty big, but Im not sure theyre actually a "real" cory ., a division of Monster Aquaria Network, LLC. Trying to finish up my stock list, also what would be a good number to buy and QT in a 10G at a time? Corydoras. Of all my various tanks, the corys are always the most energetic and entertaining fish. This is what I have in my tank right now, it's a 20 gallon high: ~1 bristlenose pleco ~1 male betta ~1 male guppy ~3 khuli loaches I am planning on taking the guppy and the khuli loaches back to the store, and I want to add some black phantom tetras, so I will have: ~1 bristlenose pleco ~1 male betta ~7 black phantom tetras How many corydoras catfish can I … How many Cory cats can you have in a 55 gallon tank? JavaScript is disabled. I hear Mr Zaffy will give you a dollar if you pull his finger. I would get at least 6 of the same species though. since then I have come a long way, learning about cycling a tank, water Dh and Kh, and consistent monitering and water changes. A few days, a … Don't listen to the naysayers. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I've kept a continuous population 4-5 pygmy corys in a 5 gallon for years. Pandas don't get too big, so three could work, 4 is too many, though. Maybe even eight if it's well-planted and you do large, frequent water changes (which is a good idea in any case). In my other planted 55 gallon I have 9 since I don't vacuum the substrate much cause I don't want to uproot anything. agreed,most corrys are between 2-3 inches ,but a lot more than 10 might be too much with other fish in the tank . Instead, 8-12 corydoras catfish are appropriate. Ok one species it is. Tetra 55-gallon aquarium has a sleek and modern design.The glass is scratch-resistant and it adds a pleasing touch to your home.. I just want corydoras in a tank. Just make sure the fish you put in it are very social like the corydoras. Depends on what type of Cories (there are several!). What GPH are you turning on the tank? I'm starting up a new 55 gallon and this one is simple and fake plants with rock and driftwood. Or, if you also want corys, maybe five angels and a school of six corys (all the same corydoras … While stocking for 55 gallon tank, you should avoid Bushymouth catfish. You're not guaranteed that they'll all shoal together if you have different species. You could have alot more than only 10 cories in a 55 gallon . I'm thinking of buying 2-3 Corydoras, I also … How many could I fit in a 22? They are sometimes called armored catfish because of the bony-like plates on their bodies. Honestly the best fish you can keep in a 10 gallon tank is a single Betta OR 5-6 male Guppies OR 6-8 male Endler's livebearers. 1. All Rights Reserved. They are the dwarf Corydoras species, and they could do well in a 12. A few of them I suggest you avoid, but odds are one or more of these fish are right for your aquarium. You'll be amazed about the great interaction / behaviour. I have a 10 gallon that has been set up for over a year, currently it has a betta in it that I will be replacing with a dwarf gourami when i find a 5 gallon for the betta, and there is also 2 peppered corys and a bronze cory that swim together. Below is a small selection of the varieties: Panda Corydoras Catfish; Albino Corydoras Catfish; Skunk Corydoras Catfish; and many more. Are you planning to stock other bottom-dwellers? I went to the LFS today and they have the golden green cory's in with the same family of cory but lack the greenish color. Maybe even eight if it's well-planted and you do large, frequent water changes (which is a good idea in any case). I love them, I think they are funny little fish. If they are your only bottom dwellers, a dozen would work in a 55. Close. Post by spades » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:18 am well, I have a slight issue. I have nearly 20 in … Corydoras, Brochis and Aspidoras species are found in soft water with a low pH in the wild, however, many species sold today are commercially raised and tolerate a much wider range of water chemistry. I keep sterbai, juli, and salt and pepper corydora catfish in my 55 gallon tank with angelfish, rosy barbs, and otocinclus. There are currently over 150 cory species discovered so far. No other bottom dwellers. They all were schooling awesome in their tank. The tank setup you need for mollies the essentially the same as for the other fish in this article. These fish are ideally suited to living in a modest 10 gallon space. 1.1 Fish for 90 gal to 120 gal fishtanks at a glance; 1.2 South America fishtank stocking ideas for 90-120 gallons tanks. This is a question that many people really want to find the answer for themselves. They had about a dozen of them so I bought 5 of them which will bring my school up to 9. With so many species in the Corydoras genus, one can only expect many colors and patterns. I know a lot of you are very against 5 gallon tanks for your betta, which I can understand and I know where you're coming from, however, I've had bettas for years and they have always been happy and healthy in 5 gallons! Your choice of fish should be a personal preference, as many of these species have extremely similar requirements. The cory's you see in stores are almost all juvies. How many corydoras in a 75 gallon? Harlequins would work great. A 5 gallon tank can easily handle a group of about 5 male mollies. in 55 gallon you can house only live bearing fish – make sure you cull the population time to time to avoid overcrowding 1.2.1 South america: discustank; 1.2.2 south america: angelfish; 1.2.3 southamerica: cichlid tank (kept in pairs); 1.2.4 South America: large cichlids (kept in … For dwarf species, a 10-gallon aquarium may be suitable, but we recommend 20 gallons or more for most other varieties. 5 corydoras. How many Corys in 55 gallon tank. Not many of them get 3 - 4 inches, about 2 - 2.5 seems average. Corys range in size between 2.5-4 inches. Too many corys for a 10 gallon, they need bottom space and aren't recommended for a 10 except for the really small ones like habrosus, which mature at 1 inch. How many corys in a 29 gallon? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. More than 30 of them are readily available at pet stores and online. And they're just so much better when they're shoaling. If you decide to go with less, consider making the number four, and just sit back while the corydoras play 'tag' with each other, moving all around the aquarium. Last update on 2021-02-16 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. Archived. Pygmy cory catfish are one the smallest species of corydoras and love to swim in the middle of the tank, not just the bottom. Fish Lore's aquarium forum - aquarium hobbyists helping hobbyists since 2005! If it were me I would go with this: 6-8 GBRs(Wild if available) 24 Red Phantom Tetras 12 Corydoras 3-4 Pekoltia plecos We have prepared a list of the best fish for a 10 gallon tank. 74-79 degrees Fahrenheit (23-26 degrees Celsius) I would add more cories actually, all corydoras will kind of hang together but do have atleast 3-4 of each species. Haplochromis Scientific name: Corydoras panda Also known as: Panda Catfish, Panda Corydoras Adult size: 2 inches (5 cm) Lifespan: 10+ years Minimum tank size: 10 gallon pH: 6.0–7.0 Hardness: 2–12 degrees dGH Temperature: 68–77 degrees F (20–25 degrees C) Tankmates: Peaceful, compatible with all species, keep in schools Panda Corys are highly … 8-12 corydoras fish can prove to quite suitable for the tank. These are available in many different variations and are therefore suitable for almost all aquarium equipment. I'd say six angelfish should be all right in a 55-gallon tank. Cory cats can be sensitive to water conditions or drastic swings in the levels so make sure you keep an eye on that. How many cory cats can I stock in a 55G with 3 angels? Corydoras are very forgiving fish, and need to be with their own kind to show off their natural behaviours. Ok I will try to get a pic of both color variations. A 55 could hold on it's own probably 25 or so cories on the bottom, provided they are given enough places to hide. How many cory cats can I stock in a 55G with 3 angels? Cory catfish, which grow to be about 4 inches long, can live in 5 to 10-gallon tanks. They are just too cute. I'd say that one species is best. Cory cats do best in groups. You could have alot more than only 10 cories in a 55 gallon. Ok I think I'll do 4 of the green gold cory's and 4 of something else then. A heavily planted tank will allow you to get away with even more. And with that in mind, any ideas on filtration or heatnig? With 3 Angels and nothing else you can have a much as 12+. *Edit - some like the corydoras barbatus get pretty big, but Im not sure theyre actually a "real" cory.... agreed,most corrys are between 2-3 inches,but a lot more than 10 might be too much with other fish in the tank. I have 10 in my 100gal. JavaScript is disabled. Of course this depends on how well cycled the quarantine tank is. --20 Cardinals, 9 Neons, 10 Head-Tail Lights, 14 Black Phantoms, 12 Lemon Tetras , 4 Angels, 8 corys (Robinea), and 2 Bushy-noses. 2 snails (as long as they aren't too large) 2-3 ghost shrimp. I agree with Akasha to add the entire species group together, and after the biology is established; corys settle much better the more there are in the group, and once water stability is achieved. I'm starting up a new 55 gallon and this one is simple and fake. Are you planning to plant the tank? Also, why keep fewer cories?! I would also shy away from getting any type of cory's that grow to 3 inches, such as peppered. 55G - Freshwater (Angels, Tetra's, Cories and Loaches), The happiest of people dont necessarily have the best of everything; They just make the most of everything they have. I was wondering what a good number oc corys would be. 1 90-120 gallons fishtank stocking ideas - What fish for big tanks until 120 gallons?. Dec 19, 2013. freak78. They will be the only other stock along with the 3 angels, nothing else in the tank (and nothing else planned to go into the tank). A heater, sponge filter, and light are the main essentials. They're just so darn cute! I believe there are some dwarf cories that grow only around 2 inches tops. Pygmy Corydoras (Corydoras pygmaeus) Recommended Temperature. Say if I can get 8 cory cats, would it be Ok to get 4, then QT them for a month, add them to the tank, then get the other 4, QT them for another month and then add to the main tank. Depends. Like to see pics !!! Keep in mind that cories should be fed directly (. several years ago when I started keeping fish I picked up a couple corys for the ten gallon I started. So Live it up, Laugh loudly, & Love deeply. I think you can get 8-10 of these little guys in your 55. Here are a few favourites: © 2005-2019 Agreed with above. Another question I asked him was about if I should. A bare bottom tank would be bad for Corydoras, and I personally would only keep the species Corydoras hastatus, habrosus or pygmaeus in a 10-12 gallon. I'd say six angelfish should be all right in a 55-gallon tank. --13 Snakeskin barbs, 12 Brass Tetras, 20 Rosy Tetras, 12 Calico Tetras, 3 Pearl Gouramis , 8 corys (Axlerodi), and 2 BN plecos. If your 9 are not crowded (I don't think they would be--it seems like a good number for that size tank) why not just get 9 for this one too? I think I will go with 9, that way I have some breathing room in the tank and am not pushing things towards overstocking. Although for the life of me I can't think of which ones. As has already been mentioned in other answers, five or six corydoras would be the maximum number for your 15 gallon aquarium. This is relaxing footage of our 20 Gallon aquarium stocked with Panda Corydoras. Yes, in a 20 gallon you would want something quite small for a schooling fish. You must log in or register to reply here. you can setup a 55 gallon community tank with following fish species: 2 angelfish, 10 rummy nose tetras, 6 swordtails, 6 mollies; or 6 angelfish, 10 guppies, 6 corydoras, 1 bristlenose pleco; Livebearers Tank. 20-25 of tetra species considering their small size and peaceful nature. What Size Tank Do Cory Catfish Need? How many corydoras in a 75 gallon? Not all fish are suitable for a 10 gallon tank so you need to research to choose the most suitable fish. Member. I would howevedr not wait so long between adding fish. The tank is very peaceful. Table of Contents. 12 comments. Don't Meddle in the Affairs of Dragons...because to are Crunchy and taste good with Ketchup. I just don't know the ratio of gallon per fish for them. 3 males- 5 females of Black Molly, Dalmatiner-Molly or Silver-Molly Or, if you also want corys, maybe five angels and a school of six corys (all the same corydoras … thanks. I have a 55 gallon tank, and have 10 Albino Cories, but also have other fish. I'm going to have a corydoras tank,mainly peppered corys and other smaller species and i want to know about how many I could fit? Make sure they are the pygmy variety Corydoras habrosus, Corydoras hastatus, or Corydoras … I'd take one large herd of one species !!! How many corydoras in a 10 gallon with a dwarf gourami?

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