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my ex acts like she hates me

I never said this. We had a great time and never had fights, only a few about silly things but it always worked out. Your ex might have prayed day and night that you’ll call for the last 52 days. It is not entirely unprecedented for a couple to get into an argument which leads to one or both telling the other, “I hate you”. My boyfriend hates that I wasn't a virgin when we met. They’re an ex for a reason, because they shouldn’t be in your life the way they once were. My friends and family love my boyfriend. If you've already told him how you feel and what you want, and he's still giving you nothing to go on, then you should give him nothing more than he's giving you. Infidelity was a theme of the last month or two of our relationship, not from my end, but from hers. If you want to get your ex to stop putting on this “tough” act, here’s what you need to know. Also, I think she may be with another guy now..what does this mean? One of the greatest signs your ex is miserable without you is when your ex wants to make you miserable in return. When they don’t have any emotions towards you, that’s when you have to start worrying. With Tao of Badass you will learn from the very best and his problems what the right way to seduce girls is. If he won't communicate with you about his true feelings, you have little to work with in order to reach understanding. he said he wants me to approach him and talk confidently and not feel negative about myself but when i try to go up to him it feels like he wants to walk away. I feel like now, even so long after our break up, I’m still constantly wanting your approval. Why does my ex act like he hates me? He has given me multiple reasons why but he keeps making up a new one every time I ask. I admit maybe being too caring, but I don't deserve him to be so mean to me. she said i was a good bf but she never seems interested in talking to me. I was in a relationship with a girl for 4 months (we are both 19). He broke up with me because of what he claimed was moving for work. All in the past 2 months. We had a great time and never had fights, only a few about silly things but it always worked out. Wife of drug kingpin El Chapo arrested in Virginia, Pat Sajak called out for mocking contestant, Woman’s license mistakenly features her in a face mask, Top volleyball duo boycott country over bikini ban, 'Bachelor' hopeful suffers horrifying skydiving accident, Raiders player arrested in Texas street-racing incident, Jobless workers may face a surprise tax bill, Actress confirms engagement to NFL star Aaron Rodgers, Texas AG was in Utah after historic freeze back home, Congressman puts right-wing extremists on notice, Shearer will no longer voice Black 'Simpsons' character. I was in a relationship with a girl for 4 months (we are both 19). I'm afraid he wont miss me. different for many guys......long distance is scary for many guys...I'd say he's trying to deal with an unworkable situation and is confused....feelings and reality don't often coincide, if you tell him you love him no matter what and will go with him anywhere and support him, he might have more confidence that the relationship will survive. Is he telling you he looks and talks about you? why does my ex act like he hates me when he's the one who broke up with me? Nobody on Quora can answer that since we don’t know either of you and we weren’t there to see what was happening. What are you to do when your wife makes a point to tell you that she hates everything about you. He text me back always and we have recently been talking more. he is leaving in a few months. does this mean he doesnt want to? Maybe he's stressed out and needs some space, and that's all. When she left she said that she still loved me but didn’t trust me. But this whole time he would keep calling and seeing me every weekend, but getting from hot then cold on and off. I am still trying! Why does my ex girlfriend acts like she hates me? I tried literally everything to get her back like apologize and contacting her, but she doesn't want to talk with me. The same thing happened to me, I know what you're feeling and it sucks. You’ve got to connect with them first and get them feeling comfortable around you. Like so many things in life, the expectation doesn’t often live up to the reality. Can someone explain why he is acting like this? I don’t like how bothered I am by your rejection. but how does she know where i am? my ex and i broke up about two months ago, we broke up because of drama and my dad, we stopped talking for 2-5 weeks i wasnt being clingy or calling him every second of the day or texting him i gave him his space and showed him that i was moving on with my life. why is he like this? Maybe he has bipolar disorder. Hold your heart to your most sensitive deep question "Does my narcissistic ex think about me?". Maybe give him space and time to figure it out. She doesn’t want to talk to me and hates my guts. My ex says she wants to be friends but doesn't act like she wants to. Does moving out from your partner and staying together ever work? if anything i should be the one mad at him. Why not just say how he feels? He would criticize my every move, refuse to pick up his phone for days on end, humiliate me in front of our friends, blame any- and everything on me … the works. See, the opposite of love isn’t hate. I know she is overreacting to a large extent. My now-ex girlfriend and I broke up about 2 weeks ago. my ex boyfriend is acting like he hates me and we have only been broke up 1 month and we got in an arguement the last time we spoke. Even though it may feel weird to have someone out in the world who wishes you ill, it’s not as bad as it seems. Instead, ignore your ex's provocations and carry on with your life. If you do, she will only hate you more and when she looks back on the relationship, the only enduring memory will be of the hatred she felt for you at that moment, and of your angry, red face as you screamed and shouted at her. R ecently I was contacted by one of my readers whose husband, as she described, acts like he hates her.. She was telling me that they have been married for about nine years and it seemed to her that all the air was out of the marriage balloon. ; He doesn’t spend enough quality time with her. He left me a month ago after a period of arguments and lack of communication. Emotions. You need to be the better person. I remember she said she ''needs time to think'' and I already knew what that would mean. Why is society making me feel like I’M the one who is doing something wrong? Why does my ex act like he hates me? And to know that you don’t want to know ANYTHING that’s happening in my life, to know that I don’t have the right to even call you on the phone anymore, is devastating. He was often very cruel to me, and there were times when I feared him. Fortunately there is someone who can probably answer this question: you! So, does your narcissist too is thinking the same.. The "no contact" rule applies here. I remember she said she ''needs time to think'' and I already knew what that would mean. I can't let it go, she acts like I am a piece of **** and it hurts me so much. You feel absolutely miserable each and every time you have to interact with them. . My Ex Girlfriend Acts like She Hates Me, but Won't Allow me to ignore her. Good Evening If your ex is showing you he hates you then believe what he is showing you. Is it normal to still hold a grudge on someone for over 20 years? “My ex hates me!” is a really easy conclusion to reach given what you’re experiencing. I don't want to sound pathetic but how do you think my ex (from years ago...? What's been hurting me the most is that she acts like she hates me. The break up was my doing, but only because she basically forced me into a position where I had no choice. The only way she can make herself feel better is by making you feel as low as she feels. My ex does almost everything on that list except drunk dial and have a new girlfriend. My ex broke up with me. We have a 10 month old son together. Maybe he's trying to break away because of the move and he's afraid that distance will destroy your relationship in the long run. What do you say to your girlfriend when she cries ? She left me. If your ex has any type of emotions (including hate and anger) towards you, then you can be sure they still have feelings for you. He has turned her off the idea of having sex with him. How can I get back with my ex-girlfriend, which she has a restraining order on me, she is married with two boys. Let him sort it out, and let him come to you. ; He has slowly destroyed the love that she once felt for him, rather than deepening her love for him … Should i feel upset when my 29 y/o bf tells me when he finds a girl on TV hot? Likewise, with your ex, if she hates the way that you have been going about trying to get her back, then you need to change the way that you’ve been approaching the ex back process. But I really miss her and throught that we had something good going for each other. This psychological technique is a sign of a miserable ex-partner. My ex-wife seems to loathe me. Just like magic. When an ex wants you back, his return is more likely to look like a whimper rather than a roar. Did my ex grow frustrated with me and hates me now? Is there any women who can answer this because I'm confused if she hates me … She didn’t wanted to do anything I wanted to do and with my friends. I went to her home and she broke up with me. Signs your ex likes you 1. If you tired of listening to your man buddies whine about lacking a partner time in and outing then you must was give them that book , the Tao of Badass book. If you are telling yourself my ex boyfriend hates me but I still want to get back together than this article is for you! My ex tells me that she hates me and never wants to talk to me again but everytime I email her she will save my emails, and delete anyone else emails who email her. He insisted he wanted to be friends and i decided to agree hoping things may change down the line for him and maybe he wouldnt have to go. It was a year ago and he won’t give me my things back (and I really need them — why is he hanging on to all of my things still?! I saw a post like this and could'nt find it again. Maybe that will help. No one here can know more than you do. Yes, It was the painful breakup. He doesn't want to be friends and he ia avoiding me. I have done nothing wrong here. I lied to my boyfriend, he broke up with me. Sorry, but if he doesn't open up and talk with you about it, you don't know. 1st of all. He broke up with me bec... By entering this site you declare This past month he has changed and last week he was crying saying how much he cared, he didnt want me to leave and kissing me and promising to do all these things. and on my myspace i put that i was single but i had a boy on my mind and he read that and he would text me asking me … I feel like I lost my best friend. He treats me like sh*t and he ignores me when I try to talk to him. I never said this. When I sent her a letter with all my love in it, she decided to block me from Facebook and Twitter, also WhatsApp. Good luck mate. you are 18 or older, you read and agreed to the. Some of the reasons why a wife might come to hate her husband are that: He lets her wear the pants in the marriage, so she no longer feels like a feminine woman around him. Tao of Badass is a guide writhed by Joshua Pellicer, a life instructor in the world of romance. He is/was married too at the time. Since am not you this is truly your decision. Let him miss you. any way but whys he talking bad about me and making faces and telling my friend he hates me when i know he dont? How do you think about the answers? But obviously the ex is angry. The “grand gesture” is often not that grand. It is likely you are making it worse by repeatedly i've left him alone and everything but when were forced to talk he acts like everything i say is annoying? How do I get him back to try to work things out? Answer Save. They probably don’t feel 100% comfortable around you right now. And he never told me why. 17 Answers. The entire time she was gone up until the day our divorce was final (9 months), I did nothing but continue to act like a husband and tried to prove everyday to her that I loved her very much. I can't move on.. She is too stubborn to admit she wants you back. But before I get to that reason, don’t send her anymore texts. He still is I believe but has his own place. It’s indifference. Confused as to how to act, advice needed. I know he misses me and I miss him.. So angry! Get your answers by asking now. So if they don’t like you anymore, that might be the way your breakup goes. It becomes a guessing game. You can sign in to vote the answer. Boyfriend continues to act like a daddy to his ex's kid although it's not his! Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. he still wears my clothes and still contacts me every single day but … Either way, they didn't and he is now moving. The truth is, there’s a reason she’s doing this. Here is the bottom line: To win her love back, you need to remain calm. i find it really upsetting. He insisted he wanted to be friends and i decided to agree hoping things may change down the line for him and maybe he wouldnt have to go.

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