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over halfmoon betta

Thanks. Or is this normal betta behavior? I beached it so to speak in a container with shallow water and an angled rock so it could breath. Happy Ending, Thank God. He is really pretty and very large, around 2 inches. For about $10 you can get a tiny water heater and make sure his water is just the right temperature. Be observant. If you're performing water changes every day, your fish will survive, but it won't be ok. Let's face it, who is going to stick to daily water changes? Thanks again for the tips! Place a small see-through container with the female in it inside the tank with the male. Take them with you from room to room. My betta is very entertaining and loves his new home. He is much happier now, and he is GROWING...He wants to get big, I think, and yes, he likes his water warm. 34 comments. What do you mean they? After the bubble nest looks good, introduce the female. If i had tons more room I would buy a bunch of them and find some where to put them all. For the last couple months hes been swimming less and now his fins are gone. Qualifying purchases could enjoy No Interest if paid in full in 6 months on purchases of $99 or more. Many use peas to treat constipation and sometimes swim bladder problems. He seems to be a good passenger. I will bet that tail of gold fish would cause stress to betta. Oh yeah ! For figuring out they type of female you have, check out the following thread Female Betta Fish Tail Types. 20. He wants his water very warm, 80, so i constantly am worrying about keeping the heating pad on most of the night, and i keep the pooh and debris off the bottom. You simply cannot keep two or more males in the same tank unless you have an extremely large fish tank. I also bought dried bloodworms which is good for their color and health, but I only give him a few strands every couple days. At your local fish store they are usually around $2 to $5. I tried the thing with the mirror and it puffs up. But ever notice everybody ?? Whats wrong with my fish? Thanks to those that answered my question your amazing, They won't make bubble best until they are happy and/or have a female betta beside their tank, NOT IN. what could have been wrong with him? If you really want to make a difference with how bettas are sold, don't purchase them thinking you are "rescuing" them because all you are doing is positively reinforcing the store's behavior. There would be no problem except for the fact he can see his reflection everywhere and for the last two days he hasn't stopped flaring his gills and fanning out his fins. Will your fish survive without a heater? My son told me you have to be careful NOT to take out all of their water. I did have those colored shiny stones but they got really slimy very quickly. I do not care if you think it is "just a Fish", because you are wrong. As a result, bettas and other labyrinth fish can survive for short periods of time out of water and if needed, can inhale the air around them (provided they stay moist.) This means using a professional pet sitter. Makes turning them on and off a lot easier. I was like on NURSE duty 24/7 and felt like i had a newborn at home again. Help! I was told by many fish owners that you always turn the light off at the same time every night . It some times just depends on their personality. Nothing is more stunning and beautiful than a tank of gorgeous boys, they fill my heart with joy every day. Only a quarter of it though. Their stunning colors and flowing fins are some of the reasons for their popularity and the low purchase price helps too (usually less than a few US dollars). The thermometer says 78. This fish, just like other species need an aquarium with a heater and some sort of filtration system to process their wastes and keep water quality in good shape. And I'm not saying that the small cups at the pet store are not cruel but the betta seem to be fine in them, Urrm I want to get a betta and just wanted to know what size tank should I get because the cups they keep them in the petstore is cruel. My female, however, happily claimed the ENTIRE ten gallons (who knew there were diva bettas?) Betta Fin Rot Symptoms. Girlfriend is having a fit because we keep pretty good care of it. but they always want to eat huh>? I had a Betta that never made a bubble nest in the year that i had him. my fish is looking like it has a bacteria on it and its fins are not as bright and look ragged onthe ends I have it in the house at 70degrees.I gave it beta medicine I got at the pet store what can i do to help him with this bacteria it looks like on his scales. Do people do that? "Just sprinkle a little" I was told. I got my male Betta, "Troubadour" about a month ago. or is this normal? He is such a trooper I cannot believe it. i have read where people say their fish love to ride the bubbles etc....mine is completely not hip to them at all, in fact i did read they dont like a fast moving water movement because of the streams they swam in the Phillipines were slow moving rice streams/paddies. There are stages of fin rot varying from mild to severe which will show differing symptoms and severity. Danilela do not remove unless you want them to kill each other..didn' t they tell you that a pet store? My room does get a bit chilly at night, but lots of warm sunlight during the day. I put him in a freezer bag and sealed box for months. I feel bad leaving him in the other room, so the tv is on, and my cat sleeps by him. Is it normal to have your new betta not eat? Is this fish a lost cause or worth the money she wants to spend on medicine and stuff? By the way the part on this website about how they will fight each other is incorrect, female betta's can live in groups along a. I just got my second betta yesterday and I bought a cute little tank with a wall between them. Since goldfish are the same size as the beta, beta won't eat goldfish. I have three male betas ... red, white & blue! i use a turkey baster to suck up stuff and i bought those dark rocks people put in small fountains ya know and i think they look more natural and dont get as dirty/slimy near as quick. It depends on the fish. My Betta is becoming aggressive towards my plecostomus that I bought today. I know I am weird but hey my kids grew up and dont need me anymore so i had to find other things to take care of. This is a living being and we as pet owners are responsible for it's proper care. I find that fish keepers often medicate much too quickly and don't correct the underlying issues that caused the problem in the first place. The male will mistake his reflection as another male and the fighting posture should then be displayed. We have a lot of threads on the forum looking for betta fish name ideas and this is the primary species for these name idea threads. Good luck everyone with their fish. I have had this male betta since august and since october he has been sick. I put him in my bedroom where i have the heat cranked to 8o. I hadnt ever read anything about whether it was good exercise to let them flare up or not. It goes right to the front of the bowl and wiggles while I get out the worms!!! I use to have a filter even and that didnt keep him from getting sick. that would be really cute. I'm able to get my betta (Black Dragon Pekka) to live peacefully (most of the time) with other fishes in a community tank. You need to stop doing that. It doesn't seem to be disrupting his swimming or anything... Hi everyone. My mom told me not to put my hand in the tank when she touched it 10 times to clean out tank, will that effect the fish? I have been keeping Bettas for years. He is in a 1/2 gallon vase with a peace lily on top and I change the water once a week. Elizabeth, our fish makes the Maine/South Carolina journey with us and does very well, better than me worrying about him...the looks we get at the hotels when we are checking in with our fish (Spunky) in toe...also, he loves to be petted.....quite the personality and interacts very well. BettaMin food tropical Medley with color enhancers $2.00. doesnt leave alot of room in a 3gal tank. I love my Betta. Fin nipping is common with many tetras but you can help alleviate the fin nipping by getting 4 or more of them to keep each other busy. No more than they can eat in 2 minutes. Some Beta's love to jump . What will happen if they have oxygen in the water. It sounds like your fish may have a body fungus. Well I have one half moon betta fish. The female will develop the eggs on her own. Last a week to ten days, because they will spoil and die after that period of time. Somedays just go by and I dont get online. Making its home in rice paddies, drainage ditches and the warm flood plains of the region, the betta became accustomed to frequent storm flooding and devastating droughts. I freaked out completely. there went 6.99. bah humbug. No... but you need space the equipment to raise the babies/juveniles and unless you are breeding the really hard to find varieties it is economically not very lucrative and can be time consuming. Tery if you are saying hi to me....hello!! Aquatic caves or dense, planted corners work great in making a betta feel safe. Mya. The foam on top of the tank is most likely a bubble nest that your fish has built. Honestly it just depends on the fish itself(some are nice, and others aren't so nice). I have a veil tail betta and he's been with me for like 6 months and recently a month back i got him a female he chases her bu times but it seems like they are getting along a little now do you think the will breed? Can Betta's eat cockroaches and other bugs will it hurt them if they eat them. Well I was trying to sprinkle Alittle and 1/4 of the bottle pours into the fish bowl! Hey guys just got a new Betta fish about a month ago and his name is Ian. My second fish was an all red Betta fish. I felt so bad for all the betta just placed in a cup to live until someone buys them. I just got a new Betta Fish from Santa Claus! Thanks BatGurl! I feel bad for my fish being alone also, first thought HOW CUTE WOULD IT BE TO HAVE BABIES??? I can FEEL my Betta's emotions. He was hiding behind his heater which is attached to the side, and then he would swim out a bit and then turn around REEEALLL FAST like someone was behind him and then go hide again. its a tough thing for us women not to feed another person, pet, cat, dog, fish???? Also I purchased a 1 gallon aquarium starter kit with led light and filter system included for only $11.97. When cleaning a betta's tank or bowl, make sure you only take out a third of the water each time and replace it with fresh water. Hes funny. Hey i know that you told me to use a forth of a pea but can i use a soy bean if that is okay i don't have pease or will the bean kill it? They get along but I am too nervous to leave them together. Oscar and Cory had issues for about the first 10 min but now weeks later live happily and mostly ignore each other. They will become aggressive with other males and females. The. Temperament / Behavior : Peaceful if given the right tank mates. Fish Diseases : Freshwater Fish Disease - Diagnose, Symptoms and Treatment. Some can be kinda skittish I guess, mine is but after I feed him or do something nice for him i just kinda reach in and give him a couple touches back by the fins. The problem arises with multiple males. YES Mya they will. On this page, we link to some products you may find useful. Anyone know? While many do keep their them in a bowl, this is not a good environment for your fish. I REALLY just need some immediate assistance in helping this poor fish before I accidentally kill it. Care Level : Easy, excellent fish that is good for freshwater beginners and can be just as hardy as goldfish. P.S. Tank Mates : Not many because of their temperament and because of this betta fish fighting is an unfortunate "sport" in some parts of the world. He loves them. They can become very stuffed. I just got my third Betta about three weeks ago. See the, It's difficult to say without more information, but here goes. Then you should feed it 1 Peice in the after noon. I have 3 Beta but they are separate aquarium. Betta's do not eat other fish, they kill fish for sport. Also, if there any other kinds of fish they CAN live with? what is it and can it be treated ? When you go to a pet store tell them you have a betta tank and want community fish to go with. I will try my hardest to figure everything out! he didnt eat the pea. Just saying. I have read many reports about overfeeding them. And by saying that he will go towards the other fish if they go inside it and he is in it. M betta fish has started acting funny. I caught him watching TV with me one night, peeking around his blanket.!! according to leaving light on. But the petstore also told me to make sure they are accustomed to the ritual of knowing the diff between day and night. You will see these small tanks at the store and probably right next to the tiny cups they are kept in. can any body say?? THAT makes him VERY happy. Combtail Bettas are similar to Crowntails. Also, if you see white bubbles at the top of the water IT IS NOT A BAD THING. Now I do have a light on the side of the tank, a night light bulb, then a lamp on the other side and at night I will use the bubble rock that came with tank, since he doesnt like the bubbles, and put it on top of his glass top shining down on just one section of the tank, and he seems to like that. I had bought a turkey baster during november to suck stuff up from the bottom. Over feeding can quickly lead to a dirtier tank which is very unhealthy for them. But why does he seem to like me more than other people? PSI may get a small share of the revenue. hes been with me for a day and a half now. can I put a bamboo plant in his bowl ? He did not like the cooler temp and thats when he got sick. Please help. Soooo fun! Or else the fish may not last a lot longer, Are beta fish is about three years old he's changing color getting a lighter and he keeps trying to jump out of the tank I think he's dying he's also not eating and staying at the bottom of the bowl what do we do. I'm not sure what is wrong or if his behavior is normal? Put him in a small bowl of fairly cool water to try and shock him back to life. But everyday I check the bottom for food they drop or pooh....if those are left in there they become poisonous and thats a good way for them to get ICK. How often should I feed my betta bloodlines? sometmes if i am gone for a few days, i come back to him pouting, or super depressed. Does the snail help???? Ive had this betta for almost two years. Updated May 13, 2020 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media:. tank Dueing great.Comes to the side when I turn on the light to feed him, bettas are great fish for people and they are beautiful. Mine was teeny tiny when we got him, it took him 4-5 mths to get bigger and feel braver in a 3gal moon shaped tank. Oh well, there are worse things in life right??? It is the same tail in all ways except one: the spread, when flared, is more than 180 degrees. or a bubble stone?? I bought my first betta which is a half moon 11/2. Bettas do not know when to stop eating, so as long as you put food in the tank, they will eat it. one male and one female. Of all aquarium fish the Betta is probably the second most popular fish kept with it being only slightly less popular than Goldfish.. There are Bristlenose plecos that get to be only about 5 inches or so as adults. How long a betta can live is mostly based on the tank conditions in which they are kept. Already making a nest.... Ready to eat every morning and nite, I give him 3 to 4 pellets in the am, which he eats very quickly, I have frozen blood worms but haven't given them to him yet because what I've been reading, recommends live blood worms..... Also hard to find a turkey baster in VT. ALSO wonder if I shld but a floating thermometer??? My betta , Jupitar , hasn't made a bubblenest yet and this is the 3rd day I've had him. The name betta actually comes from the Malay word "betah", which means 'persistent', 'hardy' referring to its fighting nature, and also it's high tolerance to water quality that is usually uninhabitable to other fishes. I have a bubbler and my betta had claimed it as his. My daughter has 1 and we wanna know if it would hurt them if they do. If you want your gold fish to die then go ahead put the Betta with them. The betta is known as "plakad" in its native Thailand and has often been referred to as "The Jewel of the Orient. so all day, eve and all night i would get up like every 30-40 min and check on him and make him swim. I clean the rocks, the fake plant, the heater, the filter and the tank. Partially because you opened my eyes to your earnest care and concern for your little finned one, and how they affect the soul, I am investing in the better/best aquarium etcc.. and hope to keep my little guy as happy as long as possible.Thank you for your sweet, humble and sincere remarks about owning to to being a pet owner, and the sublime joys of owning a little finned fish. He was previously very active and friendly, would follow me when I walked past and greet me with a wiggle when I stopped at the bowl. Can I have 2 female bettas together?Depends on who you ask... but in general the females are less aggressive than their male counterparts. I read too that they make them not only for the babies but when they are happy. he gets close to 12 hrs light and 12 dark. This "rule" only works for the extremely small species. I bought this in pet store and they told me, It's alright as long as the water doesn't move that much. There is a blue piece that is removable so the bettas can see each other allowing them to exercise, but also a clear addition to said divider thus, preventing the two from striking one another. Also think about getting a heater with a thermostat. This could be stress, water quality issues. This is my 3rd. He still doesnt look very pretty, but he seems happy and has been growing. Here is some more information on breeding them. Feeling bad I went out purchased a much bigger crib for him complete with filter, heater, LED lighting, silk plants and colorful gravel. I moved him and he sank and tried to swim but couldnt. I'm getting my first betta fish next week.I was just wondering how well the vacation feeders work.if I am gone for a week, I bought a red Betta about 4 weeks ago put him in a 35 gal. If you do put more than one female betta in a tank then do not worry if one starts flaring her gills, my halfmoon is flaring her gills at my 2 veils but she's only doing this because she's notifying them that she's the alpha and she's in charge, but this will not go on forever for those of you concerned. Bettas, unlike other species, are not schooling fish and will fight with each other, regardless of gender. Jocelyn I have had a betta for two years my water it around 64 everyday and all I do to heat it is by putting a lamp over top for a little bit. Tropical fish with regular size fins may do well, but avoid tropical fish with larger fins like guppies or angelfish. My male Betta is just floating around and being lethargic. Do betta fish get lonely?Even though some hobbyists will tell you that they do indeed get lonely this is opinion only. Yuck. can some one please help me i don't want him to die. This beta is super friendly, I can put my finger on the tank and he comes right up and let's me touch him!!! SERIOUSLY.......he had these white circles around his eyes and they were like FIXATED and couldnt move, like he ate some bad pills or something ya know???

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