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g*gv Rc--.r l *1 Raltitnore county, in Liber J.IL, No. no opportunity of reaching Baltimore or Yorki earlier than 1W.13 a. lit. .%c : and being also the same land< more particularly dv*cribe iby n.etr *an l boundsr in a dee I from Frederick Price to Charlotte Price,recorded aui >ng the Land Records *.f Raltitnorecounty, in Liber J. *# property. *“ Balto .arenovt d-plav ing a large a-o.rtmcr.t> of Mrx's F nxiantX'; G.*o|.n, including all the|late#t London and Farisian Novelties in Silk andLinen ilandker'diit-D. Lid and D"g*kin Glove#,Silk and Italbriggan llose. haring onto torn in un > .hurt tin../•-TERMS CASH.JAMES D. SLADE.yr.’unr >c w cmttd __New Advertisements.|,'OK K.11.K.A FRBSII ALDERNEY COW, ngi'.fPjff, tered She will make fr. We have heretofore pub*• lished the fact that Baltiiii->re city, by invitingI pr-posuls for furni-hing her public school*, hasfor the past fur year* received the book* at anaverage of I 3 per cent., and the stationery at 3l|per cent, h s#/•' • • , i U%iteprirft. In good order: I two.horseRoller, 2 two-horse Flows, IMl "Yone-horse Flow, 2 Cultivators.gMffiobffiffil Double Shovel Flow, I two.Foroe llinge Harrow, I two-burse “W” Harrow,Double and Single Tree#. Editor*:— Tbi* being'lhe 12th of Sep.Umber and the anniversary ot the battle of NorthFoint, i a regular municipal legal holiday, a S( |all public city office* closed in memory of the occasion, which tried men’s souls in the war wjtkEngland over seventy year# ago. |t. Di rham.AMg. I havethrehcd my wheat and my average i# twenty-five, bushel* per acre. Instead of decreasing these thingsshould Ik? from 2 to fi I*. Mann, dated Augu*t 22*1, I**! The managers of this greatcorporation, to induce tlie pe*>pleof the upper endof the county to patronize their road, announcedby advertisement* postal in conspicuous place#that ticket* would be sold during the fair to Tirno.nitim at reduced rate* (which meant double therate# charged the citizen* of Baltimore), and onThursday morning, fith in#L, the day on whichthe majority of the farmer# of the surroundingcountry usually attend the fair, a large number'dpeople, with their families gathered at Farktonto take the 9 o’clock train f* r Tinionium, when t*their surprise they were informed by the person in| charge ot the ticket offire that nil the excursionI tickets were sold : whi'-h fact had been telegraphedto the management in Baltimore and they had replied that excursion tickets would be sent up ato’clock in the evening. lie was ImmudUtelydriven to the White House, where he was railed, up*>n by Postmaster ticneral Gresham. September 24th, TO NOMINATE ACOUNTY AND LEGISLATIVE TICKKT andTO ELECT SEVEN DELEGATES To TIIE ISTATE CONVENTION. Jobs | Mcdairy is the topic on every hand. ..r JO.-'. Assignee.JAMKS W. OAA'INUS, Auctioneer.I Sept. ts.Robert H. SilJltb, Attorney. Medairy A ’o arc to charge Baltimore city13J cents per gross fir pen-holiler*, while Baltimore county lias to pay that firm s2. There is no doubt ofthe intention of Mr. New to resign, as stated, hebeing wealthy and having large private interestswhich he say* are suffering for lack of personalattention, among which i* the proprietorship ofthe Indianapolis Jumrmnl, • nc of the largest andtto*t influential Ilepub!man paper* in Indiana.—But the President, since hi- return, it i# said, i*endeavoring to persuade Vr. S*oe- jtimes it is Thoiiia*’ ink. They cut and bruised hisfare and head dreadfully, the scars and marks ofwhich he carries palpably to this day. to allow any other bookseller* to compete with it. I'no, of Septcm-Wr l*t t* ur Railtuaorecounty Agricultural Fair,to txka |*laca the following wetk, wi* aid that :“from whut wc had -cm and haard, nothing *avaunpropilioiif weather could prevent it* being adecided and mo#t encouraging *neca**.” Fortunately the weather did prove prnpitiou* and thefair wa* an eppeeially gratifying *ueee** in everyway, •urpapding even the ranguine expectation*of it* UM’it artlent friend* and supporter*.

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