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substitute for apple cider vinegar in face mask

Apple cider vinegar is made from crushed apples, then distilled and fermented. Most sources I’ve checked say that even honey feeds candida so best not to drink it with honey. I usually have a couple cups and then my breakfast. The irritation could be due to not having the ACV diluted enough. I do have osteoporosis and take 1500 mg of calcium/1200 IU of vitamin D daily with no side effects. And I just got out of the shower from rinsing my hair with it as well. Thank you. (12) Another study found that adding vinegar to meals can help increase the feeling of fullness causing you to eat fewer calories. Others take it for a certain time and then take a few days break, for example: taking it for 2-3 weeks and then taking a few days break. Use organic, raw, unprocessed ACV. According to webMD website, not enough is known about the safety of using ACV during pregnancy and breast-feeding, so they recommend to stay on the safe side, and not use it. Individuals with high cholesterol are very common these days. My doctors know of the honey concoction I take and never advised me not to so I continued. It may take several weeks before you see any positive results so patience is required. Hi Joy, ACV has cleansing properties and helps to prevent kidney stones from forming. Obese and overweight situation lowers HDL (good ) Cholesterol. unfiltered apple cider vineger Trider Joe has it for $2.5 is the best. According to WebMD website “Not enough is known about the safety of using apple cider vinegar as medicine during pregnancy and breast-feeding. I had my daily vinegar shot this morning while working out. Candida die off symptoms. give this a shot even for a week, you will see a difference in your overall feeling better. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. (14). so want to know how can i handle this situation? [ Read: How to Cleanse Your Liver With Apple Cider Vinegar ]. The University of Waikato published a research on the therapeutic actions of honey. Over consumption of ACV can lead to low levels of potassium and weak bones, so I would limit the amount of ACV you consume to once or twice a day and take a break of it for several days in between periods you consume ACV. Since ACV is fermented food, it fosters the growth of beneficial “good” bacteria in our gut. No, don’t take undiluted ACV as it is very acidic and can hurt the delicate lining of your throat as well as tooth enamel. Hi Michele, the reason for adding ACV to water or other liquids is to dilute it. Sad, but we couldn't add you to our mailing list ATM. It thus helps in lowering the bad cholesterol. Honey should be consumed in moderation so 1 teaspoon of honey per cup is enough (see in the article under “How to make ACV & honey healing drink”). I don’t know how severe their condition was and obviously there is not a single solution that fits all, but I guess it worth trying. High cholesterol is an alert and needs to be taken care with immediate attention. If I were you, I would consult with your doctor to avoid any unnecessary risk and to be on the safe side of things. 2 sprigs of mint. is an acv and honey is good for the alcoholic liver? *fingers x’d* , Can we drink it with ice water? Some people consume it every day for long periods of time while others (like myself) prefer to give it a break here and there. The journal PlosOne reported that acetic acid is a natural antibacterial agent that can kill off many strains of harmful bacteria. Vinegar is naturally acidic, but when consumed, it turns alkaline. It might not be helpful in your case, but worth a try as it has many health benefits. Social Activist & Yoga Trainer. Bad breath can be caused by a buildup of bacteria on your teeth or by a stomach ulcer. Could you suggest for me how can I use Acv for skin allergy. However the benefits of ACV outweigh the disadvantages if consumed in moderation. my mother she makes cider vinegar. Tha bottle doesnt have directions but SHAKE BEFORE DRINKING. You may want to do a test on a small skin patch as undiluted ACV can irritate the skin. Rub into the hair. For those saying it raises your blood sugar try using this blend instead (22). As you can see the bottom line is still not clear – there are some studies that report that certain honeys have significant antifungal activity against clinical isolates of Candida species. However, you should work out what works best for you and how much you can tolerate. How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drinks (9). This product seems great! But it was done in a lab setting so I don’t know how it applicable to daily life. If I may correct you, your HgBA1C was elevated, not your blood sugar. I went to my DOC yesterday and she COULDN’T HELP ME! ACV is well known for its culinary usage and It has a sour/ tangy flavor. FIBROMYALGIA 16 Proven Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey (Evidence Based), Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer. Been doing this for 3 months now and haven’t had an attack in two months . My mother just celebrated her 98th. Milk thistle is just a good overall liver detoxer, in this pesticide, insecticide, GMO, high fructose corn syrup and fake food world. It means that these pesticides, if used, must be derived from natural sources, not synthetically manufactured. However I also found another reference about a study that was done in vitro about a certain type of honey that actually kills candida albicans, but further research is required to demonstrate if this antifungal activity has any clinical application (see more information here). Also is there a specific type of honey? It certainly helps when you had a scrumptious dinner as it assists in breaking down the fat molecules.. Hi, Jenny, please, can I use ACV to treat Seborrheic Demertitis? WebMD, saw on site “sponsored by Monsanto”. Most ACV that you find in supermarkets is processed and filtered (without the “mother”) so it doesn’t contain all the nutrients and enzymes. what about the stability of the mixture of honey and vinegar. Apple cider vinegar and honey can help people with diabetes manage they blood sugar levels better. This helps your stomach to absorb the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals from the apple cider vinegar and honey health tonic. I drink 2 spoon a day… ahhh makes me drool now!!! thank you so much…. A study from Japan found that acetic acid in vinegar has a beneficial role in reducing high blood pressure. Hi everyone… Is there specific kind of apple cider vinegar? Therefore, using apple cider vinegar and honey on a regular basis can help to improve your quality of life. (8), The Indian Journal of Medical Research reported that the medicinal properties of honey can assist in reducing acid reflux symptoms. This makes apple cider vinegar and honey a helpful home remedy for arthritis and other inflammatory conditions that affect joints. Apple cider vinegar is known to cleanse the skin and also shrink the pores. Start from 1 teaspoon of honey and see if it’s enough to improve the taste. It is important to use raw organic and unfiltered ACV with the “mother” for maximum results, I use my daily waterintake needs is that okey?if I’m thirsty I drink water wit ACV…reply asap. Hi Tricia, to successfully treat a sore throat, you have to know what’s causing it. People with bee-related allergies (e.g. Also, the person drank a cup a day, too much. Combine the anti-itch properties of both of these skin soothers at the same time! Some people drink 1-2 tbsp. The acidic nature of ACV helps to stimulate enzymes needed for healthy digestion and honey soothes many gastrointestinal problems. Cover with a … But sick with it! The Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine reported that Manuka honey kills off the Helicobacter pylori strain of bacteria. Try natural remedies and avoid pills, if I can. HASHIMOTO (10), The journal BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine found that honey boosts digestion in many ways. I also use it as seasoning for every food i eat. It’s a healthy food! Of course, apple cider vinegar and honey together is not a wonder cure for cancer, however, current research into their health benefits show promising results. That is 8.45 ounces daily of apple cider vinegar for 6 years. It’s been about 6 weeks now and believe me, the pain is gone….. Gone….. Gone on both thumbs. I don’t see this as a viable option for me and I would advise women not to do this since they are typically more susceptible to osteoporosis. . Doctor had X rays taken and told me I had arthritis…… Welcome to old age. The journal PlosOne reported that acetic acid is a natural antibacterial agent that can kill off many strains of harmful bacteria. Don’t think so but will continue and see if increased results occur. This can help to prevent skin infections, rid the skin of free radicals, and speed up wound healing. Regularly drink apple cider vinegar and honey to manage hypertension and reduce your risk of coronary heart disease. I doubt highly that it weakens bones. Hi Nisa, drinking large amounts of ACV for a long period of time can reduce potassium levels which can reduce bone density. It is suggested not to drink ACV directly as it has a strong flavor and can harm your tooth enamel. Honey is a well-known home remedy and has been used for centuries to cure various ailments. It doesn’t have to be water (although it is a very healthy option) but can be a smoothie/juice/tea. Also Do you know if this is good in preventing UTI’s? The ScienceQ Publishing Group from Harvard reported that apple cider vinegar helps to break down proteins and stimulates the digestion of fats in the digestive tract. Getting ACV in your daily diet is certainly a wise idea. You can also take ACV internally – add 1-2 tablespoons of ACV to a glass of water and mix well (don’t drink undiluted ACV). Sorry about my thousand questions, thank you so much. Both honey and ACV are used to treat eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne and other inflammatory skin conditions. This is not the case to do it. Hi Crissi, you can drink it 1.5-2 hours after a meal and 30 min. Thank you in advance…. I’m going to try this and hope it helps. Stay on the safe side, and don’t use it”. I like to have control over how much honey I add to what I drink rather then someone else putting it for me. No, you take one tbs of acv and honey–not the whole bottle. Unbelievable. (23). The Hemoglobin A1c test the blood sugar for the past 2-3 months. will the premixing diminish either ingredient and is the water a must for the benefits? Never taken any organic or raw food. I also cleaned my face, neck and body with it, it’s awesome! However, as with all natural remedies and traditional treatments, there are some precautions you should take. (20) The ADA also reported that consuming vinegar at nighttime can favorably impact waking glucose levels. Didn’t see it in the article. I’ve never had a broken bone in my life and have consumed apple cider vinegar in high doses for years at a time. I researched on the Internet for a natural remedy. I started using it (1 tsp ACV, 1 tsp organic natural lemon juice (no realemon), and 8 oz filtered water in Sept 2015. Hi Sony, I’m not sure how much ACV you’ve put in a glass of water, but probably the best way is to start gradually – start with only 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of ACV in a glass of water with a little bit of honey for several days and see how you go. Acidic foods can weaken tooth enamel. If after continuous use of Apple Cider Vinegar doesn’t affect your cholesterol levels, it would be better if other medication are taken for the same. 1/2 cup acv [ Read: Is Coconut oil Good for Lowering Cholesterol ]. I believe that since honey and vinegar are both natural preservatives with long shelf life, they can be mixed together in larger quantities. You can read about the health benefits of coffee in my post on: What 3 Cups of Coffee per Day Can Do For Your Liver. Suspecting Ankylosing Spondylosis… Just had my first dose of this miracle eluxer. Good to read all, I used to have a book called miricle apple cider vineger but,cant find it any more, I am suffring with arthritis,I have read honey and apple cider vineger is good for that. a diabetes person cannot switch to any other medicine, he should continue to take the alopathy, since he should be protected from BP and blood clotting and other organ damage. You can find more ACV detox drinks here. If you are pinay,you can ask your relatives to buy at S&R and have it send to you. You will not get the benefits associated with raw honey and ACT if you substitute real honey with The Goo. Manuka honey has shown to have an anticancer effect, How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drinks, How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) For Weight Loss. adding to its causes. And drink in morning?? I’ve started using this mixture and came across this site. I have recently added cinnamon to the mix and I feel better than I have felt in the last 30 years. HEPATITIS . Both apple cider vinegar and honey help to balance stomach acid and honey has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on the esophagus. Hi Desmond, I’m not sure what exactly you bought. just started using the ACV AND HONEY this week,expecting greater results. Or, you can add more honey to mask the strong taste of vinegar. That’s why I have not set the exact amount of ingredients. The Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine reports that honey helps wounds to heal faster and forms a protective barrier to prevent infections. ), ACV IS GREAT WITH MALUKA HONEY. I was so sick one night with it and my son came in and said whats wrong and I told him and he said take a tablespoon of vinegar. Also organic with the mother can be any brand as long as it’s organic and has the mother ( the light brown settlement on the bottom of the bottle). Apple cider vinegar and honey are generally safe to consume., what is the difference between ACV and the cooking ACV. I haven’t heard about any link between ACV and excessive sweating. before the next meal, so you can fit it in the afternoon or evening. Brew your green tea and add 2 teaspoons of ACV into it, mix and consume this. Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties . Also a good hangover cure in the morning. Multiple incidents daily, some requiring woods where bears weren’t. Clay + Apple Cider Vinegar. Keep a check on your daily diet, to control the food containing trans fats and saturated trans fats which can raise your Cholesterol. i been drinking just a tablespoon a day, not even the raw, just Heinz brand, for a few months. I have been drinking 1-2 tablespoons of raw ACV in a full glass of water pretty much every day for the past 5 years and it’s has been the best solution for both my IBS and acid reflux; I also find it very tasty and prefer it to plain water. Skin has improved as well. I agree with you entirely. Hi Manuel, I will try to answer your questions: 1. you can mix the ACV with any drink that you want. I want to know if ACV is helping for kidney problem? Is it safe for me to drink it again considering my severe acidity problem? Medical research has also backed up its effectiveness as a healing agent. I appreciate This. Now possibly a dangerous vein problem that will get check Monday. what is wrong with a blood sugar of 7.8 ur in the normal range?? Dash of organic Ceyenne Pepper. Thank you so much.. Hi Tommy, there are people who claim that ACV helped their varicose veins (either by taking it internally or topically) and you can see their reviews here. ACV is milder and has antiseptic, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties. Can it help Tinnitus and Chronic Gastrist ? There is no official recommended daily intake of ACV. How Often You Should Do This. My dog was diagnosed with an infection in his nose and a chronic skin inflammation and as he’s 14yo an operation wasn’t an option – I started spraying him with a 50/50 ACV & water mix which cleared up his skin, and his coat has all grown back – also use it as needed on other areas of irritation but both dogs now get an ACV & manuka honey mix with their dinner – every night – I got a few odd looks from them and some lip smackin’ initially but they both are used to it now and the old fella who the vet said wouldn’t last is back walking, smiling and still wags the tail ! I have hear alot of great things about the ACV. All Rights Reserved, Is Coconut oil Good for Lowering Cholesterol. See also Yahoo Answers. For example, honey prevents blood clots, and lowers “bad” cholesterol, thus reducing the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Use Apple Cider Vinegar. If you get a cough and fever, that is something you should see a doctor about. FYI: ACV changes to alkaline once it is in your system. im a huge coffee drinker, should I drink this first thing in the morning before my coffee? I don’t know. Can ACV be added to my detox water (cucumber, lemon and orange detox water). Severe and prolonged sore throat like yours is a case that requires a medical attention. Hey the I’m an diabetic can I just skip the raw honey an just use avc an water, Hello, Required fields are marked *. Some people take 1-2 tablespoons of ACV diluted in water every day. The two substances are a perfect way to get rid of excessive acidity (resulting from stressful lifestyle and unhealthy foods and drinks) and building an internal environment with a protective pH. and I don’t care what anyone says I feel so much better. Don’t microwave anything. I believe pain is caused by lactic acid buildup as I am too lazy to stretch after exercise. Also if you cannot tolerate alone.. M A quick teaspoon of honey right before I go for my afternoon run gives me the jolt I need to get going. The journal Scientific American reported on a study by the University of Memphis showing that honey was just as good as glucose in boosting energy levels. I don’t know what proportions you are using, but if I were you I’d start with an 8 oz glass and use only a teaspoon of ACV to start with. My energy levels and overall mood are significantly up. 3. I take a teaspoon of acv with honey then a bit later I eat a banana. Consult with your primary care doctor about the honey portion. WebMD article states:…weak bones (osteoporosis) after taking 250 mL apple cider vinegar daily for 6 years. Pravallika Menon is editor & Writer for "". Check out this link and follow this diet. Research done for diabetics found that a dose of Frankincense & Myrrh lowered blood sugar by 17 points & chromium lessened neuropathy caused by diabetes. Your email address will not be published. Feeling better. Mix the juices, each 1 cup of Lemon, Garlic and Ginger. How Much Apple Cider Vinegar Should You Drink? At 52 I couldn’t believe this is how the rest of my life will be. (15), A study into the cholesterol-lowering effect of honey found that regular honey consumption decreases levels of LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) and increases levels of HDL cholesterol (“good” cholesterol). ACV is known to reduce bone density. I would go for a second opinion from a trusted doctor rather than treating it with home remedies or doing self diagnosis. So i have been researching From what I’ve seen in WebMD it says: “It also contains small amounts of the minerals sodium, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium”. naturally reduce inflammation that causes joint pain, natural relief from the symptoms of heartburn, burning sensation in your stomach after eating, using apple cider vinegar for weight loss, apple cider vinegar helps to suppress appetite, apple cider vinegar and honey to manage hypertension, Apple cider vinegar and honey can help people with diabetes, reasons to wash your face with apple cider vinegar. Can ACV reduce cysts in Polycystic kidney disease ? You’re making a mask, not hair wash. That’s why you need to adjust the clay and liquids to get the proper ratio. Please note that while ACV is one of the most popular natural remedies for acid reflux, some people may find that it aggravates their condition, so start gradually and see how you feel. I then add 1-2 tablespoons of ACV to a glass of water and add a teaspoon of honey and drink it in the morning. Hey i want to know is drink acv in long term is good? Do your cholesterol checkup regularly as prescribed by the doctor to monitor the cholesterol levels. I never had constipation issue). You will feel more energy and bet part it helps maintain weight. Can this mixture help to reduce an enlarged prostate? I personally use the ACV without honey. get it into ya with plenty of water. been using it 4 some time now 2 contain arthritic pain! It works. Thanks. Thank you. Miracle. Do it for about 6 weeks to see if you notice any improvement. Dip the cotton ball in this and apply the vinegar on the face. Will this interfere with that? warm cup of water in the micro wave for 40 sec add 2 table spoon of unfiltered apple cider vineger Trider Joe has it for $2.50 then add 1 table spoon of honey I have told you can drink it after each meal and told that if you drink it with empty stomic it is not healthy I hope that will help Al. In 400 B.C.the great Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, used it for its amazing health qualities. I just read your article and it said ” ACV may cause low potassium levels and lowers bone density” but on another website read Paul Bragg say it is high in potassium. Made from the Apple extracts further fermented with yeast and bacteria to have the vinegar form. A small bowl of apple cider vinegar; Cotton balls My urine color is crystal clear. Our bodies function at their best and healthiest when the body’s pH is approximately 7.4, so slightly alkaline. Do i drink tha whole bottle one time? 4) There is no recommended way to use this routine. Use Google translator help you! (28). Although ACV tastes a bit different than the white vinegar, but can be substituted and the difference is taste is very much negligible. Why This Works. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and studies show that consumption of green tea helps lowering the bad cholesterol. (21), Studies have also shown that honey has a positive effect on blood plasma levels and on the blood’s fatty acid content if you have diabetes. It’s not a magic solution to all ailments, but you can try it. I like to take a break in between periods of taking ACV, but again, it’s not scientifically established method. One research trial showed that honey helped to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and boost the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatment. I’ve read in many places that drinking slightly warm water, or water at a room temperature, is best for improving digestion, unlike cold water. Can you use the honey in the bear bottle? (18) The journal Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity reported that regularly consuming honey reduces oxidative stress and can considerably reduce high blood pressure. ACV is acidic (although when ingested it turns alkaline). Hi Edith, ACV can help in weight loss (read my article “How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) For Weight Loss“) but it’s not a magic solution. (4), Raw honey also has anti-inflammatory properties that help to treat and prevent various inflammatory conditions. Hi – I’ve been on a shot (30ml) first thing in the morning with a locally pressed Apple & Ginger juice for over 9 months – I started with lemon juice but found ACV better for my Crohns and its a great appetite suppressant. It will save the liver! Currently taking HBP medicine and started ACV & honey a couple of weeks ago (1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon of honey mixture; straight no water at all) one when I wake up in am and night before dinner. I will look for other remedies in your column as I am 68 and getting older. Some types of honey (from the nectar of Rhododendrons) can lower blood pressure. i tried twice but same outcome everytime. hi Jenny, i buy mix already ACV & HONEY, how do i use this for my dark spot? Is 1tsp of each in water good for digestive health. After years of feeling sluggish and prone to getting colds, infections–I feel great. The pain started to diminish soon after taking it. There is no such think as “sugar -free” honey. Every day I am useing nasal spay every 8 Hrs.I do not have any problem other than nasal block. How to do: Mix the juices, each 1 cup of Lemon, Garlic and Ginger. You actually are adding acid for the reflux with this method so no honey. The researchers found that various compounds in honey (especially Manuka honey) help to reduce inflammation and it can be as effective as many anti-inflammatory drugs. Bragg. If even 1 teaspoon causes you irritation, try to replace ACV with lemon juice and see if it makes it better. Apple Cider Vinegar’s benefits have been well known and famous. That’s why lots of ppl don’t do natural. It’s ok if i prepare it in night? Bragg Yeast Seasoning 127g On Sale. If I want to make large batch… Like a gallon of water. Where can i buy it? Hi Alma, where are you from.? Jodi go to health food store get the ginger candy they are soft and chewy I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and they help keep my pain down . Should be water ACV and honey mixed for these 2 conditions ?. The logic behind it is that the nutrients work to balance out your GI tract and build up your natural defenses to fight off allergies. Been doing this about 2 months. It will teach you how to help all autoimmune conditions. I have been taking 1 tbsp of AVC and 1 tsp of raw honey in a large glass at room temperature one half hour before bedtime for the last month and I haven’t had a hot flash since. Honey is an alkaline and vinegar is an acid. ACV is also good for Shingles! It is located on the upper right hand side in desktop computer, or at the bottom in some mobile devices. If I am currently drinking honey and lemon in the morning, but would like to encorporate this mixture at a later time in the day, should I also make sure it is taken on an empty stomach then, and is there a better time to take it such as afternoon or evening? Hi, I’ve suffered from chronic yeast infections for most of my life and I’ve read a lot about acv doing wonders to fight off candida but I’ve also read that sugar(honey) should not be consumed when getting rid of yeast infections. To easily incorporate ACV into your diet, you can take a daily 2 oz shot, pour it over your salad, drink in a morning elixir with water and lemon, or add it to your hot tea. I don’t know (I couldn’t find information about it), so I suggest that you ask your doctor first. You can replace water with natural juice without any additives (as many commercial products are loaded with sugar and other artificial ingredients). I have thyroid disease can I use acv and honey? Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is full of zesty natural goodness. It may help – have a look at my article about home remedies for chest congestion. Using it to kill Candida as well. (17). The researchers said that it may be useful for people who don’t respond well to antacid heartburn treatment. Now, when you make this apple cider vinegar and clay hair mask, you’ll need a different amount of ingredients than I do. I have duodenum ulcer for many years and am taking amprazole. 2 tsp Ceylon cinnamon hi! moderation people,moderation,1 tablespoon a day with one 1 tsp honey is all that is needed in a cup water. Hi Jane, there is conflicting evidence about ACV and gastritis. Apple Cider Vinegar. I would like to know if this Apple Cider vinegar & honey will be harmful to my ulcer? Could be thyroid cancer as hashimotos can be the precursor.It could be that one of your thyroid nodules is growing! Is it okay to drink the acv/honey mixture for someone like me? 3. dpHUE Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse is a hair cleansing breakthrough for all hair colors and hair types, and the original Apple Cider Vinegar hair formula. I had explosive, gas-propelled diarrhea starting May, 2014. How to use it: Follow the instructions for using clay topically or as a clay pack, just substitute apple cider vinegar instead of water when making your clay. Varicose veins”came Back, (2) In my article on reasons to wash your face with apple cider vinegar, you can also read how apple cider vinegar is a natural exfoliator to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores as well as improving skin tone. You can apply raw, unfiltered and unprocessed ACV on the skin where you have the varicose veins and gently massage the area to improve blood circulation. I guess the safest option would be to consult with your doctor first. I know many women who consume ACV while breastfeeding without any issues, however according to WebMD website “Not enough is known about the safety of using apple cider vinegar as medicine during pregnancy and breast-feeding. As for treating UTI – have a look here for natural treatments for UTI (which also mentions ACV). Do it every day before going to bed and again in the morning. Like every morning for 1 year and so? You can buy this in grocery stores here such as carrefour, choitram, spinneys, lulu. They are chronically averse to the use of natural remedies. How to Do: Dilute 2-3 tablespoons of ACV in 1 cup of water, stir this and consume regularly. whats the best way to consume so that it doesn’t irritates the throat?? maybe the honey was fake and its made-up of refined sugar? I feel great. That seems like a lot of ACV in one day IMO.

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